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Workplace Bullying

Saying goodbye to bullying

MKA: Risk Mitigation can help to create a positive workplace culture by:

  • Creating Forums for Consultation
  • Developing Policies for Prevention of Harassment and Bullying
  • Creating Codes of Conduct Tailored to Individual Workplaces
  • Policy Implementation and Awareness Training
  • Executive Coaching
  • Providing Anger Management/Assertiveness Counselling
  • Assisting in Performance Management of Workplace Bullies

Our products are based on industry surveys, current organisational behaviour research and relevant NSW and Federal Industrial Relations Commission decisions.

What is bullying and harassment?

Bullying and harassment are so common that they can be regarded as part of every day life. This is not to suggest that employers and workers should ever turn a blind eye to bullying or passively accept harassment as normal behaviour.
Bullying can include physical aggression, shouting, name calling, denigrating others for their physical appearance, age, religion, sexual preferences or supposed work capacity. Bullying can cover a range of behaviours, and it is very difficult to define.
Bullying will occur when there is a perceived power imbalance, and generally the bigger the imbalance the worse bullying becomes. It is a common phenomenon in workplaces where there is a rigid hierarchy, there is a big age/experience gap, there is intense time pressure and no consultation. Bullying is a particular problem with industries that have apprentices, juniors and associates.

Warning signs that bullying is occurring include:

  • High turnover of staff
  • Complaints about management style
  • Complaints about interactions with co-workers
  • High levels of workplace conflict
  • High levels of human resources complaints
  • Greater than usual levels of absenteeism